Tagged with " d’annunzio"

Serata futurista/D’annunziana al Deco Art Caffè a cura di Roberto Argentesi

http://www.readmi.it/eventi/serata-video-futurista-al-dinanimismo,d'annunzio,ferrara,serata,futurista,roberto guerradeco-art-caffe-per-dannunzio-150-ferrara/

Serata futurista al Deco Art Caffè cura di Roberto Argentesi



Mercoledi 3 aprile, ore 19 30 serata d’eccezione al Deco Art caffè, Viale Cavour 180, la palazzina liberty – accanto la mitica Villa “Ovale” Melchiorri. Serata futurista con video set dedicato al 150° anniversario della nascita del Poeta Vate d’Italia, Gabriele D’Annunzio, decadente e futurista, attualmente celebrato in tutta Italia (al Vittoriale ad esempio da Giordano Bruno Guerri con diverse iniziative). E ora grazie al quasi mitico Roberto Argentesi, dagli anni 80 raro protagonista a Ferrara del binomio arte/impresa (La Mela, La Pace, Birdland, Teatro Nuovo, ecc.), segnalato per La Mela persino dall’Espresso, anche la città estense dedica il suo tributo al Grande Poeta del Novecento italiano, artista armato, celebre anche per la leggendaria impresa di Fiume.

E appunto, serata futurista con i clip dei nuovi futuristici contemporanei, molti di Roma Capitale: Vitaldo Conte (Vitaldix) docente Belle Arti Roma e transpop artista, il gruppo Netfuturismo (Roma, curato da Antonio Saccoccio, Tor Vergata, Roma), Riccardo Campa (tecnomusicista e docente sociologia della scienza a Cracovia, Polonia), il famoso Graziano Cecchini RossoTrevi (l’artista romano della Fontana Rossa di Trevi e le battaglie per il Tibet e i Karen in Birmania).

Non ultimo i futuristi o futuribili ferraresi contemporanei, da tempo in sinergia e protagonisti di primo piano nelle nuove avanguardie italiane. Ovvero Roby Futur Guerra, scrittore edito anche da Armando (Roma) e videopoeta , Maurizio Ganzaroli (netartista e scrittore di fantascienza) Filippo Landini ( scrittore cyberpunk e videomaker) , Zairo Ferrante (scrittore, promotore del Dinanimismo), Riccardo Roversi (scrittore minimalista).

Ecco il menu video, 30′ circa complessivi


  1. D’Annunzio 150 trailer by R.Guerra
  2. Graziano Cecchini, Ma-Donna
  3. Riccardo Campa, Bambolina Kitsch
  4. Netfuturismo…, La Realtà è Gettaedrica
  5. Maurizio Ganzaroli, Optical
  6. Filippo Landini, Fuoco et Flow…
  7. Riccardo Roversi… Album 100 Photo 3D
  8. VitalDix- Paraducatismo Estremo con Rosa Lussuria
  9. Futurguerra-Futurismo Nuova Umanità… tribute Vasco Rossi

    * Menu vegetariano possibile tra un video e l’altro e post clip-performance.

**Foto di D’Annunzio postata dalla Redazione e liberamente tratta da: http://www.lettereearti.it/mondodellarte/letteratura/inediti-di-gabriele-d%E2%80%99annunzio/


Ferrante Zaire Remix of “Rain in pine”
by Gabriele D’Annunzio

*traduzione dall’italiano all’inglese di  Giovanna La Franca

Silent. On the door of the gate I hear you say sounds natural,
but I hear new sounds that speak and tinnitus drops off.
Raining from the clouds gray.
It rains on dry plates and reddish,
rain on metal buildings and bristling,
it rains on the teaching of the bar myrtle,
shining the chains of rings received
on the thick stems of scented liquids,
it rains on our tired faces,
it rains on our rough hands on our investments
fattened on the sad thoughts that drowns
the soul serene, beautiful on the story yesterday beguiled,
beguiles me today or master.
The rain falls on the asphalt with solitary clippettio lasting
and varied pools in the fog the second highest,
while tall. (V. 39)
Responds to singing the tears of mothers
who spawns silent blackmail, or the ashen sky.
And the gun has a sound, and other gun sounds,
and the dagger more,
different instruments for countless deaths.
And we are surrounded by bad air,
the right people dying,
and your face is soft with tears as austere as mothers,
and your hair shine like the frozen lakes,
or resurrected creature
that you name Falcone.
Hear, hear.
The agreement of the political base
little by little more dirt under the weeping growing,
but there is a song that mixes the most raucous of salt down there,
moisture remote road.
Most deaf and dimmer dwindles,
it fades.
Just a note still trembles,
turns off.
Share and hears the voice from the sea.
Or is heard throughout the world poureth down
the silver rain that extinguishes
the wrath handed the second seed sadder,
less sad.
The daughter of the octopus is mute,
but the young man blackmailed the future,
singing in the unanimous group ever with you,
never you!
And it rains on your grave Falcone.
Raining on your last road which seems the sky cries for pain,
not dead but suddenly the sky seems you made a living bait.
And all your song is in us fresh fragrant,
and the heart is like a sword in the chest intact,
including the eye lids are like bullets in the barrel,
teeth in the alveoli are glittering lights of anger.
And go from street to street, now joined,
now dissolved
(and remember your strength in ankles entangles us tie our knees)
you never,
never with you!
It’s raining on our faces angry,
it rains on our hands tight on our clean clothes
on future thoughts that the soul opens up novel,
on the lovely fable that yesterday beguiled,
beguiles me,
and continues today and Falcone.

PER LEGGERE LA PRIMA AZIONE DINANIMISTA: http://zairoferrante.xoom.it/virgiliowizard/articoli-e-poesie?SESSd6972d0e1a61b1b336f558b230c178a2=f45414da430242aabeca7a4860b51266